My name is Bailey Hildreth and I am the Kindergarten teacher here at Danbury Elementary. This is my first year teaching here at DES but it is my second year teaching overall. I am so excited to join the community and embark on this school year with you all! 

In our classroom we are focused on being kind to one another, building strong relationships, and growing as individuals and learners. Here in Kindergarten we are a team and face all challenges together! 

Our daily Schedule: 

7:30-8:00 Morning Meeting

8:00-9:00 Math

9:00-9:15 Snack

9:15-10:15 CKLA Knowledge 

10:15-10:30 Recess

10:30-11:25 CKLA Skills

11:30-12:00 Lunch

12:00-12:15 Recess

12:20-1:05 Specials

1:05-1:45 RTI

1:50-2:00 Pack up/ Go home

If you have any question I am always available by email/phone
